
Showing posts from January, 2022


 It’s currently 1:16 on a Monday afternoon. What did we learn today as a class? Well what we learned today as a class was how to break down the poem and make a connection to it. Secondly we Read a poem today that was on a boy that got his arm cut off by a saw and then letter died due to doing adult activities ( using a saw). The themes that we came up with were. Life is short, so enjoy every moment of it. Children shouldn’t be doing a adult job such as sawing. A lot of people now a day don’t have a child hood because they mom had kids late or either having to many and that caused the child to not have a childhood. But that concludes my day in Mr.Rease class bye ✌️ 

Theme vs Central Idea

 It’s currently 12:16 pm Thursday, today in class we retouched on them and central idea 💡.  Will what is the difference between central idea and theme? Well the difference is , central idea is what the story mostly about and not the topic or the text. Theme is the moral, lesson, or message of the text. So with me learning that it lead me to understand more about it. But today was a pretty decent day. Ready to go home and go sleep 😴 . Now im abt to create my myth 

Origin myth

 It’s currently 1:15 pm on a Wednesday afternoon. Today was a pretty ok day , really not my best. I’ve just been going through it , am trying to accomplish things but the devil 👿 is working in trying to tell you but humans don’t have the last say so. I’m now creating a rough draft , so hopefully I’m gone at least write the origin myth on paper then type it. During 4th block we going to have a junior meeting because you already know Im class of 2024 but that pretty much completes my day today well as of right now 

Fear no one fear none

 It’s currently 1:16  on a Wednesday afternoon. Today was good but stressful for my own Personal reasons. But aye that’s life and deal with it. So today we worked on brain 🧠 storming ideas for our myth. First we had to ready the information that was given. Second, we had to make a cluster to brain storm our ideas individually then as a class because. Of course nobody in your brain 🧠. Last but not least format of a story we had to learn will let’s say review. That pretty much concludes my day 💕😩

Navajo Creation

It’s currently 1:13 pm on a Tuesday Afternoon. Today learned about Native American Literature. Native American Literature relates to the Bible simply because, of the themes. Today lesson was interesting but just not my favorite topic. This class period was fun of course because of my teacher. Not only that he’s my favorite lit teacher. I feel well accomplished because, I’m doing all my blogs and having fun 🤩 

Boring Day

It’s currently 1:19 pm on Monday afternoon. today was quite boring and not very much exciting. I was happy to come to class to see no teacher and a note left on the door written on a yellow sticky note paper 📝. I was so confused on my teacher wasn’t her when I came. But everyone claim they didn’t know why. I came down to the room we was suppose to and shortly after that I began my work then.  Boom 💥 I seen a large passage that was talking about the Rock pile and I was like ugh 😩. So I began the assignment and later answered the question the best way I could. That concludes my day so far. Off to 4th block 


 Well as you can see class I didn’t attend school today. The reason that I didn’t attend school was because, my grand had to go to her cancer appointment. Well let me tell you a lot about my day. I woke up early did my morning routine. Shortly after that I’ve been indecisive about the outfit I was gone wear to school. Then boom 20 mins before it’s time to had to do my final rounds. I forgot to do my makeup. So I had to did that , walked all the way to the bus stop got a call from mommy. Liyah you going to school on the bus or am I taking you. But I was you can take me and so forth. So that completes my day 

American Dream

Today's lesson was very fun and interesting lesson. We talked about how you have to just do it instead of just holding things off because soon after you hold things off . You will lose interest in your dream, then become non motivated.  I love the poems so far but you really have to understand the poem. Plus we have a test tomorrow that I’m so anxious 😬 to see what’s on. I kind of have butterflies because , I know the material I just really have bad anxiety 😟. That concludes my day as far as right now anyways bye ✌️ 


Good after noon it’s currently January 19, 2022 1:12 pm in the afternoon. Today lesson was based on advice that your parent gives you and how to take advice and use it. The class read the poem Mother to So today and it was a very interesting 🧐 poem. The mother was comparing her life to stairs which equals steps she had to take in order to keep pushing through life. I related to the poem in so many ways because my parents always gave us advice but still made room for error.  At the Time I didn’t under exactly what my parents was saying or trying to say at the time ,but over the a long period of time it’s stuck with me.

The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes

In the poem by Langston Hughes that ib read today he believes that black race were here first on earth. Today was a very interesting day ive been aware of my grade today and to not forget my blogs. Langston hughes states that blacks build the pyramids and others thought aliens did. The poem was a very interesting because on how he used words to compare things for you to understand. The peom relates to alot of my great great grandma story when she was stating that she didnt have equal rights as the whites did.The story been passed on and passed on for many years. That concludes my day an i enjoyed today's 

We Real Cool

 what did I learn today, Well what I learned to how to read a poem and analyze the stanzas by looking for keywords and meanings. In the poem we read to day , the teenagers were doing things they thought was cool. Not wanting to face the consequences of their actions as a person. The teenagers thought that it was cool to be out late at night drinking leaving school lurking an more. But all in end it wasn't as taste at the end as the teenagers thought it would be. The skipping in school left a distasteful taste in all the teenagers mouth. I related to the poem by , one night staying out past the time my mother gave me at 13 yrs old and got a text and didn't want face the consequences because i was afraid of the outcome

Writing Process

well today me and my peers learned about brain storming events. An the steps are cluster,listing,freewriting and here is my cluster.